It isn’t you. Really!

Let’s face it. Freelancing is still a pioneering career choice. As a career path we’rebeyond Ferrari-speed, and closer to Apollo 11. Twenty years ago, freelancing hardlyregistered, and the closest thing to or was a portion of a Monster.comjob board. Blink – ‘cause that’s all it is in “history of work” time – and […]

Why freelancers need to create an environment of transparency, and not just around pay

“I once shared information with a freelancer group about a company who routinely paid my invoices late,” she recalls. “They found out and ghosted me out of the blue, which put a big dent in my earnings that year. But I’m glad I did it, because other freelancers wouldn’t have known to avoid working with them.” Let’s all try to be a bit more like Jessica

How to detach your self-worth from your work

When you wear every hat needed for your business to succeed, it’s difficult to let your head get a rest. This is only made worse if you are defined by your KPI’s. So how do you keep your work and your self-worth separate?